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Launch your development projects easy!

What is Kitty Launcher?

Kitty Launcher is a Mac OSX menubar app to quickly launch your editor + terminal projects with options to also open in finder and automatically do git pulls to be up-to-date.

Release v1.4 fixes some minor issues with Yosemite View changelog

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Editor + Terminal Workflow
  • Open editor + terminal
  • Automate git pulls
  • Open project in Finder
  • Add / Remove projects
  • Use any code editor
  • Use any terminal app
  • Shortcut to open Kitty
  • Save time, do more


How much does Kitty Launcher cost?

FREE. Give it a try.

Does Kitty come with support?

Hopefully, Kitty is easy to pick up and use and does not need much in terms of support.

What editors are supported?

Kitty Launcher uses the built-in OS X terminal “open” command to launch applications so any application/text editor is supported as long as you know the application name.

By default, Kitty opens Sublime as the text editor. If that’s not your cup of tea, below is just some of the most common applications developers use:

Brackets, Sublime, TextMate, Text Wrangler, PHPStorm, and more.

Preferences window

How do I switch the editor used?

Just go to the preferences > editor tab and switch the editor name. I advise you test the open command in terminal first.

View all known editors supports.

Can I use a different terminal app?

Yes, you can set Kitty to use any terminal app like iTerm or MacTerm. The default Mac OSX Terminal will still do all the heavy lifting but when it's done, you will have your preferred Terminal app open and ready to work.

But I use Dreamweaver...

This is a judgement-free zone. Luckily, you can still use Kitty, however, Dreamweaver does not support opening a folder path so you will have to select a specific file.

How do I use Kitty?

Simply add your projects, then search and launch them any time by clicking on Kitty on the menubar or hitting Command + Option + Control + K. If you want a more thorough walk through,

View Kitty Guide

Enough chit-chat, Download Now